The intent was to travel around the possibilities of transferring enviable genes of the wild species to the cultivated cotton for commercial exploitation and to study inter and intra-genomic relationships in the genus Gossypium. The research work of Cytogenetics Section encompass maintenance of Gossypium germplasm to develop promising varieties, through introgression, which are resistant/tolerant to biotic (diseases) and abiotic (drought, heat) stresses with special hub on Burewala Strain of cotton leaf curl virus. Cytological studies of a newly developed inter-specific hybrid was undertaken. The material industrial through multiple species hybridization viz F7 of [{2(G.hirs.x G.anom.) x 3G.hirs.} x {2 (G.arbo. x G.anom.) x 2G.hirs.}] x G. hirs. were sown in single lines.Out of the 286 families 90 families remained free from virus under field conditions throughout the entire cotton season. Conversion of CLCuD tolerant lines in transgenic lines using back cross method is under observation in different filial generations i.e. F1, F2, F3 , F4and F5.
Different shades of brown cotton were observed in F2 .Grey colour is also found in this material. All these shades have suitable fibre length. Search for aneuploids especially haploids remained in steps forward. Cyto material developed through multiple species hybridization was tested in progeny row trials, micro-varietal trials, Micro varietal trials and ZVT to observe their economic and fibre characteristics.
Bt Cyto-177and Cyto-124 (non Bt), varieties developed through introgression has been sent for recommendation to Expert Sub Committee on 9th March 2015. Both lines have completed two years in NCVT, PCCT, ZVT and DGR trials for its wider adaptability in different ecological zones. Cyto-179 will be tested in NCVT, PCCT and ZVT trials for its wider adoptability in different ecological zones.